2018 In Review, 2019 Events and CONGRATULATIONS ANTON!

Anton and Kathren

Apparently it’s been awhile since we’ve updated, so here goes…

2018 was a GREAT YEAR for House Daos and 2019 is looking to be even better! To recap – last year the household attended Egils, Stormgods, Autumn War and Bunghole as major events, and we attended several more Daos Light events and feasts. Inside House Daos Kahlia, Fisher, John and Tavia all became members, and Spunky rejoined! Molly also completed her Zealous year and achieved her stole by competing in the “Zealot race” with tasks such as a blindfolded taste test (aka “what liquid is this?”) as well as acting out the role of ‘Molly’ in a bastardized version of the Lay of Thrym. Congratulations are due to Scott, who is our new Prophet! We also found, at long last, Roselan the Lost. Even a name change to Vivian and the addition of a daughter, Emma, wasn’t enough to hide her from the watchful eye of the Inquisition! We are thrilled to welcome Vivian (aka Shannon) back into the fold and look forward to her new persona joining the household.

Outside of the household, our members received much recognition within the SCA. Highlights include:

  • Anne of Daos received her AoA
  • William of Daos received his AoA
  • Bronwyn received her AoA
  • Efa Ystalwyn received her AoA
  • Taliesin Ystalwyn received his AoA
  • Red Molly the Black received her AoA
  • Michael SinClaire received his Goutte de Sang
  • Eden the Mad received her Jambe de Lion
  • Antonious Rath won Prince of the Summits (AS 54)

Which brings me to say… CONGRATULATIONS ANTON!! That’s right…A Daos will be Prince! The populace (those that know us) are both amused and alarmed. I’m sure it will be JUST. FINE.

House Daos will be attending, en mass, the following events:

  • Egils
  • Summits Investiture (where we will help Anton get crowned and then throw a big party!)
  • Game of Thrones and Stormgods
  • Autumn War
  • Bunghole